Double Take

Double Take

Mothers of Twins Club


The first Wednesday of every month we all get together at a member’s house or other locations such as a church hall or fitness studio.

A sign-up sheet circulates at each meeting and different members sign up to host the meetings a year ahead of time.  We also ask 2 members to co-host each meeting which means that they bring food and drinks for the meetings.  Each month we receive a monthly newsletter that indicates who the host and co-hosts are for the next meeting.

The topics include:

  • Twin Talk (informal discussion among the moms)
  • Ice Cream Social
  • Potlucks
  • Cupcake Decorating
  • Game Nights
  • Community Outreach
  • Professional Speakers (pediatricians, professional organizers, parenting coaches, etc.)

DT Anniversary Dinner 2015_small